El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2025)

Pago 4-C EL PASO TIMES, Saturday, February 21. 1987 sports printout (H C. "Gabby" Hays, Mary Weston, Joseph F. Ziegler, Walt Pierce); 2. Maybe's, 3.

Paper Tigers, 2,492. Men Jingles Class (70 and over) I. William C. Falzett. 685; 2.

Frank M. Flerro, 649; 3. Weekend on the air basketball iBA Subject to change by stations and networks Davila (BUR), 60, 6 0. Doubles Second Round Rosen Kelley (CORO) del. Domin-ouet Martinez (BA), 6 2, 61, Robefge-Grado (AND) def.

Chaparro Ortiz (EP), 64, 6-0; Osowski Munoz (HKS) del. Griffin Ramirez (EW), 6 0, 6 GranilloPorras (YSL) def. Fernandez-Verier (RIV), 4-4, 6 Parton George (CORO) def. Reyes Garcia (HKS), 6 3, 4-2; Candelaria Contreras (YSL) def. YartoNacim (EP), 4 3, 6 McDaniel-Zuverza (EW) def.

Bozeman Muizer (BUR), 6 3, 6 Turner Lapillo (IRV) del. Lopez-Gonzalez (AND), 60, 6 5. 4.80; 1- My Rocket Jeno 2.40, 2.20, 8- Retire Melinda 2.40. HTH-550 Yds. Grade D.

32.10. $81.20. 7- Mo Bile 10.00, 8.80, 4.40; I -Wilda'i Bonus 3 60, 2.80; 4 Fala 2 40. I2TH 550 Yds. Grade C.

32 44. 0: $14.40. 4 R's Solid 4.00, 4.00, 2.80; 1 -FP's Lita 6.40, 3.60; Chicano Neato 3.60. 1JTH 680 Yds. Grade B.

40 74. Tri: $212.40. Big 4 7, 3 8. Pool: $2,322 00. 228 exchanges.

13 winning tickets paid $178.60. 8 Penrose Sudo 10 00, 6 00, 2 80; 3- LC Salt 6.00, 3.40; 1 Rox Ann 2.80. TELEVISION TODAY 11 a.m, College basketball: Kansas vs. St. John's, Channel 4.

11 a.m. College basketball: Kentucky vs. LSU, Channel 9. 1 p.m. Sports Saturday, Channel 4.

1 p.m. Bowling: Florida Open, Channel 7. 2 p.m. College basketball: Iowa vs. Indiana, Channel 9.

2:30 p.m. Wide World of Sports, Channel 7. 3 p.m. College basketball: BYU vs. Wyoming, Channel 4.

7:30 p.m, College basketball: UTEP vs. Air Force, Channel 4. SUNDAY 10 a.m. NBA: L.A. Lakers vs.

Philadelphia, Channel 4. 11 a.m. College basketball: Georgia Tech vs. DePaul, Channel 9. Noon College basketball: Louisville vs.

Memphis State, Channel 7. 12:30 p.m. College basketball: Georgetown vs. Syracuse, Channel 4. 1 p.m.

SportsWorld, Channel 9. 2 p.m. Wide World of Sports, Channel 7. 2:30 p.m. PGA: Los Angeles Open, Channel 4.

10:15 p.m. Sports Special, Channel 4. 10:30 p.m. Don Haskins Show. Channel 4.

CABLE TELEVISION TODAY 11:30 p.m. Georgia Tech vs. Duke, Cable 20. 1 p.m. Tennis: Pilot Pen Classic, Cable 19.

2 p.m. College basketball: Clemson vs. North Carolina, Cable 20. 6 p.m. College basketball: teams to be announced, Cable 20.

8 p.m. College basketball: Notre Dame vs. Utah, Cable 20. 24-hour sports Cable 20. SUNDAY 11:05 a.m.

Auto racing: Richmond 400, Cable 24. 1 p.m. Tennis: Pilot Pen Classic, Cable 19. 1:30 p.m. MISL: Baltimore vs.

Dallas, Cable 20. 6 p.m. NHL: teams to be announced, Cable 20. 24-hour sports Cable 20. RADIO TODAY 7:15 p.m.

College basketball: UTEP vs. Air Force, KHEY AM 690. Weekend calendar Friday's Women's Scores Late Games Not Included EAST Albright 61, Gettysburg 60 Bridgewater St. 68, Fitchburg St. It Drexel 75, Rider 50 Kean 98, Stockton St.

50 Monmouth, N.J. 88, Loyola, Md. 50 Monlclair St. 78, Wm. Paterson 51 New Haven 92, Sacred Heart N.C.

Greensboro 103, Averett 56 Perm 95. Columbia 91 Salem St. 9, Worcester St. 36 Connecticut 71, E. Connecticut 68, OT Yale 86, Harvard 77 SOUTH Campbell 104, St.

Andrews 42 Ga. Southern 89, Cent. Florida 73 Pembroke St. 88, High Point 76 Va. Commonwealth 72, Wm.

Mary 54 Wingate 88, Lenoir Rhyne MIDWEST Coe 53, Knox 51 Grand View 64, Mt. Mercey 54 Kearney SI. 73, Missouri Western 62 Minnesota 60, Indiana 44 Missouri Southern 71, Emporia St. 69 Purdue 86. Illinois 71 St.

Ambrose 88, Iowa Wesleyan 51 Wartburg 69, Upper Iowa 58 Washburn 74, Pittsburg St. S3 TOURNAMENT New England's Women's Six Tournament First Round MIT 64. Brandeis 63 Wellesley 51, Smith 44 Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Tournament First Round Rust 81. Lane 55 LeMoyne-Owen 105, Knoxvilte B8 High school New Mexico Boys Albuquerque 57, Highland 50 Beler 59, Academy 46 Bernalillo 62, Grants 60 Capitan 55. Cioudcrott S3 Cimarron 93, Maxwell 45 (dot ado 65, Gadsden 59 Farmington 74, Santa Fe 60 Gallup 44, Los Alamos 35 Grady 63, House 59 Hoocs 118 Lubbock Estacado 85 Hope 75, Magdalena 62 Lake Arthur 64, Weed 59 Las Cruces 62, Cibola 60 (OT) Melrose 58, Texico 53 (OT) Navaio Academy 63, Santa Fe Indian 53 Pecos 66, McCurdy 51 Portales 58, NMMI 43 Rio Grande 62 Valley 50 Roswell 97, Carlsbad 91 Sandia 71, West Mesa 55 Shiprock 66, Wingate 58 St.

Pius 68. Moriarty 48 Tatum 70. Floyd 62 Tularosa 69. Lordsburg 59 West Las Vegas 57, Raton 41 Girls Albuquerque 48. Valley 34 Bernalillo 62, Grants 37 Cibola 75, Las Cruces 38 Cimarron 46, Maxwell 30 Cioudcrott 52.

Capitan 41 Cuba 47, Penasco 37 Espanola 63. Del Norte 34 Kirtland Central 94, Zuni 24 Magdalena 43. Hope 37 Mayfield 57. Mamano S6 Navaio Academy 61, SF IS 50 Raton 86. West Las Vegas 46 Roswell 59, Carlsbad 57 Sandia 82, La Cueva 50 St.

Pius 55, Moriarty 18 Schoolboys District 3-3A Tularosa 69, L'burg 59 TULAROSA 23 16 17 13-69 LORDSBURG 13 14 12 20-59 Tularosa Poindexter 0121. Romero 9 meter hill ski jumping at the Nordic Ski World Championships Friday: Women's 20-K Cross-Country Marie-Helene Westin, Sweden, 57 minutes, 20.5 seconds; 2, Anfisa Rez-cova, Soviet Union, 3, Lerisa Ptitsyna, Soviet Union. 4, Marjo Matikainen, Finland, Christina Bruegger, Switzerland, 58:38.8. 4, Anetfe Boe, Norway, 7. Giudina Dal Sasso, Italy, Anne Jahren, Norway, 9, An-tonina Ordina, Soviet Union, 59: 19 10, Gaby Nestler, East Germany, 59:23.4.

II, Nina Skeime, Norway, (tie), Evl Kratzer, Switzerland, 13, Bice Vanzetta, Italy, 14, Karin Thomas, Switzerland, 15, Simone Greiner-Petter, East Germany, 59:57 4. 16, Natalias Furletova, Soviet Union, 17, Pirkko Maata, Finland, 18, Marianne Dahlmo, Norway, 19, Grete-lnge Nyk-kelmo, Norway, 20, Paola Pozzoni, Italy, 1:00:21.6. Other North American finishers: 23, Angela Schmidt-Foster, Canada, 34, Marie Andree Masson, Canada, 37, Jane Vincent, Canada, 43. Nancy Fiddler, United States, 1:06:03 49, Leslie Thompson, Stowe, 1:06:59.0. Men's 70 Meter Hill Ski Jumping Jiri Parma, Czechoslovakia, (89.5 and 87 meters), 224.4 points; 2, Maftl Nykaenen, Finland, (88, 87) 216.5; 3, Vegard Opaas, Norway, (90, 85.5), 215.8; 4, Hroar Stiernen, Norway, (88.5, 86.5), 215.5; 5, Jens Weissflog, East Germany, (86, 89.5), 215.3.

6, Ari Pekka Nikkola, Finland, (B8.5, 87), 213.8; 7, Tuomo Ylipulli, Finland, (89, 85.51, 212.2; 8. Pavel Ploc, Czechoslovakia, (87, 89), 211.1; 9, Sandro Sambugaro, Italy, (86, 88.5), 210.7; 10, Ernsl Vettori, Austria, (86, 86), 210.2. II, Andreas Bauer, West Germany, (87.5, 85), 210.0; 12, Miran Tepes, Yugoslavia, (87.5, 84), 209.9; 13, Pekka Suorsa, Finland, (85.5, 86.5), 208.2; 14, Jan Kowal, Poland, (85 5, 86.5), 205.2; 15, Raimund Lilschko, East Germany, (87, B2), 204.9. 16, Horst Bulau. Canada.

(85.5, 85), 204.8; 17, Ole Gunna Fidjestoel, Norway, (67, 85), 204.7; 18, Primoz Ulaga, Yugoslavia, (85, 86), 204.6; 19, Peter Rohwein, West Germany, (86, 83), 203 20, Thomas Klauser, West Germany, (86 5, 83), 203.7. Other North American finishers: 42, Rick Mewborn, Steamboat Springs, (81.5, 83). 184.7 47, Mike Holland, Norwich, 180, 82), 181.7 52, Zane Palmer, Kremmling. (81, 80), 178 56, Ron Richards, Canada, (79, 80 5), 176.2; 59, Mark Konopacke, Kingslord, 180, 76.5), 170.4; 63, Ron Raulio, Canada, (71.5, 79), 154.8. Medals Table OBERSTDORF, West Germany (AP) Team medal standings after the men's 70-meter hill ski jumping and women's 20 kilometer cross country race at the Nordic Ski World Championships Friday: Norway 2 4 4 10 Soviet Union 13 3 7 Sweden 3 12 4 Finland 2 3 0 5 Austria 10 2 3 Italy 10 0 1 West Germany 10 0 1 Czechoslovakia 10 0 1 United States 0 10 1 Switzerland 0 0 11 U.S.

Alpine Championships COPPER MOUNTAIN, Colo. (AP) -Results of the men's giant slalom Friday at the U.S. Alpine Ski Championships: I. Felix McGrath, Norwich, 2 minutes, 5.19 seconds; 2. Troy Watts, Breckenridge, 2 06 80 3.

Tiger Shaw, Stowe, 4. Tom Foote, Laconia, 5. (tie) Dan Stripp, Old Forge, N.Y., and Bob Ormsby, Olympic Valley, 2:07.57. 7. Kyle Wieche, Farmington, 2:07 93, 6.

Tim Curran, Waitstield, 9. Ben Akers, Sanbornville, 10. Leif Magne Engeselh, Norway, 2:08.57. II. John Walsh, Olympic Valley, 2:08 71; 12.

Oribu Hirabayashi, Japan, 2 09 08; 13. Jeff Sarchelt, Sun Valley, Idaho, 14. Paul Mahre, Gig Harbor. 15. Morgan Burns, Duluth, 2:09.51.

International Freestyle INAWASHIRO. Japan (AP) The point totals for Friday's ballet event at the International Freestyle Ski Competition: Men I. Rune Kristiansen, Norway, 24.5 points, 2, Robin Wallace, Britain, 22.6. 3, Serge Roux, France, 22 4 4. Michael Sodcrstrom, Sweden, 21 9.

5. Daniel LaMarge, France, 21.6, 6, Bruce Bo-lesky, U.S., 20 7. Women 1. Ellen Breen. U.S., 21.72, 2, Lotta Strom, Sweden, 20 3.

3. Terue Yoshida. Japan. 19 1 4, Chika Miyori, Japan, 17.1. 5, Helen Barrel, Switzerland, 17.0.

6, Carla Tanner, 16.5. baseball The majors Arbitration Figures NEW YORK (AP) Arbitration salaries asked for by players and ollered by clubs, as compiled by The Associated Press. There were 106 players who filed la arbitration and three reentry free agents who accepted arbitration offers from their clubs. Twenty-five arbitration cases have been decided with players winning nine and owners 16. One player remains unsigned and the remainder reached agreements with their clubs: Winners Player, dub Asked Ottered Bass, Hou $430,000 $560,000 P.Bradley, Sea $750,000 $550,000 Darling, NYM $1,050,000 $800,000 Harris, Tex $620,000 $575,000 Hawkins, SD $535,000 $450,000 Leibrandt, KC $825,000 $725,000 Mattingly, NYY $1,975,000 $1,700,000 Morris, Del $1,850,000 $1,350,000 Walling, Hou $595,000 $450,000 Losers Player, Club Asked Offered Acker, Atl $450,000 $350,000 Boyd.

Bos $695,000 $555,000 Butler, Cle $875,000 $765,000 Cox, SIL $875,000 $600,000 Doran, Hou $825,000 $625,000 Gross, Phi $535,000 $420,000 Hershiser, LA $1,100,000 $800,000 Howell, OaV $430,000 $530,000 Hurst, Bos $845,000 $700,000 Mc Reynolds. NYM $825,000 $425,000 Motley, All $257,000 $210,000 Pena, LA $367,500 $280,000 Pettis, Cal $550,000 $400,000 Phelps, Sea $515,000 $300,000 Power. Cin $410,000 $500,000 Schrom, Cle $545,000 To Be Decided Player, Club Asked Offered Schofield, Cal $475,000 $305,000 CoUege Friday's Scores SOUTH Cent. Florida 15, Stetson 4 Florida Atlantic 8, St. Leo 3 New Orleans 3, Florida St.

1 South Alabama 12, Samford 2 South Florida 5, Bethune-Cookman 2 Tulane II, Florida 10 W. Kentucky 10, Alabama 4 FAR WEST Grand Canyon 9, Brigham Young 8 greyhound racing JUAREZ RACETRACK Thursday Night's Results FIRST 550 Yds. Grade D. 32.14. 0: $125.20.

4 Our Failh 20 80, 12.80, 4.80; 1 Hunter Lee 5.60, 3.20 5 -Sparrow's Cary 3.20. SECOND 550 Yds. Grade C. 31 74. Tri: $217.20.

4 Crimson Sunset 7.60, 2.40, 2.20 8 EC Sis 2.80, 2.20; 5 -Joe Shannon 2 40 THIRD 550 Yds. Grade D. 32 .34. 0: $34.80. 8 Precious Wallop 10.40, 7.20, 2.80; 4 Sporty Rowdy 7.20, 3.20; I I'm Valentine 2 40.

FOURTH 550 Yds. Grade C. 32.24. Tri: $418.40 Chicano Rocket 30 00, 10 80, 5 00; 7 I'm Sugar Doll 6.40, 2 B0; 1DH Cruz Azul 4.00; 4DH -PW's Capitolgain 2.40. FIFTH 550 Yds.

Grade B. 32 02. 1 WD'S Artistry 8 40, 4 40, 2.40; 7 -Strange Look 4.00, 2 80; 1 Dark Debonaire 2.80. SIXTH 550 Yds. Grade C.T: 32.02.

Tri: $2,171. 1 LC's White Misty 10.00, 4 80, 3.20; 7 Oss Boom: $34 00. 8 -Mystic Echo 12.00. 3 60. 3.20 4 Ivory Diamond 7 20, 2 80; 7 Screamin Aretha 3 20 NINTH 550 Yds.

Grade 32 28 Super Twin Trifecta: No winning tickets. Carryover for Friday night: $40,000.00. $70 80. 8 Fuel's Blackjack 8 40, 6 00, 2 80; I Bold Outing 6 00, 2 40; 3 Friction's Leo 2 .80. I0TH 550 Yds Grade AA.

31.70. Tri: $144.40. 2 -AW's Sidney 14.40,4.80, CONCRETE Remesh-Rebar TODAY TENNIS: High School Invitational, Santa Teresa Country Club, 9 a.m. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK: Andress Invitational at Andress; Riverside Invitational at Riverside, 9 a.m. SOCCER: Boys Bel Air at Eastwood, Hanks at Ysleta, Riverside at Parkland, Coronado at Jefferson, El Paso at Bowie, Andress at Burges, Irvin at Austin, 10 a.m.; Girls Bel Air at Eastwood, Hanks at Ysleta, Riverside at Parkland, Jefferson at Coronado, Bowie at El Paso, Austin at Irvin, 10 a.m.

HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING: District 2-5A meet, Hawkins Pool, 10 a.m, HORSE RACING: Sunland Park, 1 p.m. COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Nevada Las Vegas vs. NMSU, Pan American Center in Las Cruces, 2 p.m. GREYHOUND RACING: Juarez Racetrack, 7:30 p.m. MST.

SUNDAY KORSE RACING: Sunland Park, 1 p.m. GREYHOUND RACING: Juarez Racetrack, 7:30 p.m. MST. John G. Sterner, 449; Class (65 through 69) 1.

Felipe Gallegos, 443 2. Ray Pryor, 455; 3. Tony Zuniga, 451; Class (60 44) 1. Rene Boutin, 707; 2. Clovis Weston, 667; 3.

Chester Raleigh, 463; Class (55-59) 1. Jesse Valdez, 724; 2. Frank Caruso, 692; 3. Lee Day, 445. All-Events Class 1.

William C. Falzett, 2. Olin Franklin, 3. Robert E. Roach, Class 1.

Joe Mendias, 2. Ray Pryor, 3. Boyd Lynch, Class I. Rene Boutin, J. Harry L.

Payne, 3. Joe Ziegler, Class 1. Jesse Valdez, 2. Frank Caruso, 3. Clyde C.

Webb, 1,304. Women Singles Class (70 and over) 1. Lucille Wilson, 468; 2. Inez Taylor, 629; 3. Mona Loper, 624; Class (45 491 1.

Faula Willis, 712; 2. Magare Mcraaoen, md: 3. Eunice E. Alsaker, 433; Class (60-64) I. Dot Kasprowskl, 623; 2.

Marion Freeman, 613; 3. Mary L. Clifford, 408; Class (55 59) I. Marge Claudio, 660; 1. Nancy Amen, 447; 3.

Jenny V. Ortega, 441. All-Events Class 1. Lucille Wilson, Mona Loper, 3. Inez Taylor, Class I.

Margaret McFadden, 2. Faula Willis, 3. Marvel Goldey. 1.256: Class I. Mary L.

Clifford. 2. Jean D. Hays, 3. Gerry Sand, Class I.

Aurora Weston, 2. Mary Weston, 3. Nancy Amen, 1,250. tennis Virginia Slims of Florida BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) Results of Friday's matches in the $250,00 Virginia Slims of Florida women's tennis tournament at the Polo Club (seedings in parentheses): Quarterfinals Helena Sukova, Czechoslovakia, (4), def.

Bettina Bunge, Monaco, (7), 3 6, 63, 7-6 (7-3); Steffi Graf, West Germany, (2) del. Claudia Kohde-Kilsch, West Germany, (5), 7 6 (7-4), 6 Pam Shriver, Lutherville, (3), def. Gigi Fernandez, Puerto Rico, 6 3, 6 Ga briela Sabatini, Argentina, (6), def. Kate Gompert, Rancho Mirage, Concord Junior Men's Invitational KIAMESHA LAKE, Y. (AP) -Results Friday in the Concord Junior Men's Invitational tennis tournament: Singles Final Doug Livingston, North Bellmore, NY, def.

Jason Rubell, New York. N.Y.,4 3,3 6,7 6 (7 5). Doubles Final Doug Livingston, North Bellmore, N.Y. and Jason Rubell, New York, N.Y., del. Gunnar Salumaa, Huntington, Y.

and Laszlo Serester, Brook ville, N.Y.,6 7 (10 4, 76 (74). High school Santa Teresa High School Invitational Friday's results Girls Singles Danielle Rios (EP) def. Monica Fuentes (SOC) 61, 4 Alice Lo def. Ramos. 6 0, 60; Kenda Rast (COR) def.

Irma Diaz (RIV) 60, 61; Maribel Garay (YSL) def. Maria Ferdin (AND) 5 6, 64, 4 Angie Garcia IJEF) def. Carmela Lawson (SOC) 3 6, 6 1. 6 Michelle Andrade (HNKS) def. Cynthia Milliken (EP) 6 1, 6 2, Meredith Christian IEW) del.

Debra Martinez (BUR) 4 1,4 LynnSlogner (COR) del. Terry laroaiai IbAi 60, 60. Doubles Second Round Billslone Gallaoher (COR) def. Frev- Osborne (PARK) 6 0, 6 Nelson Burow (HKS) def. Dubifsky Moniz IEW), 60, 61; Rosas Look (EP) def.

Estrada Martinez (BOW), 6 3, 60; Mo rales Ortega (YSL), def. Mittler Garcia vanderoesi Magaiianez (HKS), def. Sang Wise (AUS), 4 0, 6 Elias Parras (EP), def. Salas Quintana (BOWI.6 1,6 2: Garcia Sanchez (YSL), def Ramirez Ramirez (RIV), 41, 4 Zaltz Schector (CORO), def. Borman-Martinez (EW), 4 Boys Second Round Jeff Spier IEPI def.

Guillermo San chez (AND), 61, 40; Javier Correa (YSL) def. Robert DeAvila (COROI, 2 4, 4 3, 7 Ed Sullivan (CORO) del. Raul Davila (BUR), 4 1, 4-2; Manny Porlillo (HKS) del, Jerry Rocha (BA), 6 3, 4 Fernando Herrera (IRV) def. Mike Dahlberg (HKS). 6 1, 62; Christian Dennison (EW) del Dan Garza (CATH) by default; Mike Warren (AND) del.

Carlos DAIoadillo (BA), 6 4, 42, Ronnie Rosas (EP) def. Virgil mnm mm aH53 I I I lilt Today's list Most-watched sports on TV 1. Pro football; 2. Major League Baseball; 3. (tie) Pro basketball and college football; 5.

Horse racing; 6. College basketball; 7. Auto racing; 8. Golf; 9. Tennis.

Based on TV network ratings 1985-86. Source: AC. Nielsen Company. Sports Features Syndicate will pay 55 it your list is published. Address: Sports Features, P.O.

Box 660, Maple Shade, N.J. 08052 Include name, address, phone, source horse racing SUNLAND PARK Friday's Results FIRST 3 year olds. furlongs. Maiden. Purse $1,800 1 Bank (Germany) 3.40 240 2 20 3-Lady Big Bucks (Sterling) 2.60 2.20 2 Special Khal IRivas) 2.40 Time 1 19.2.

Also ran 5-Hard Styling, tV April Zeal, 4-Beaming South. SECOND 3 year olds. 400 yards. Claiming $8,000. Purse $2,000 lONativeOklhman (Rdrgz) 18.40 6 80 3 00 8- ltchy Mito IMLidberg) 3.40 260 1-American Jef Flash (Burgos) 2.60 Time 20:64.

Also ran 2 Circle Pine, 9- Shes So Flakey, 4 Sparkling Jedi, 5-Tiny Kanin, 4 Witchy Wrangler, 7 Count Milo, 3 Luck Misty Delight. Ouiniela (8-10) paid $47 80. Daily Double 11-10) paid $82.40 THIRD 3 year olds up. 870 yards. Claiming $2,500.

Purse $1,700 2- CarbonTouch (Rdrgz) 18.20 8.80 7.00 3- Foxy Performance 5 20 4GoChild(Belancourt) 900 Time 47.99. Also ran 5 Able Blue, 6 Dandy Arrival. 9 Battling Mark, I Kid Pocket, 7-Trips Prince, 8 Mollys Wrangler. 1st Half Twin Trifecta (2-3-4) paid $34040. FOURTH 4 year olds up.

t'fi furlongs. Claiming $2,500. Purse $1,700 2MissGldDggr (String) 20 20 11.00 640 10- Shirlee's Girlee IMLidberg) 6 SO 5 80 5Low Beam (Cushing) 3 20 Time 1:22.1. Also ran 12 Ribogold, 11- That Hurts, 3- Twinette, 7-Mokuquer-que, 1-Roses For Roni, frHope You're O.K.. B-Alphaarrow Gal, 4 Roan Relic, 9 Dancer Loom.

Ouiniela (210) paid $88 20. No winning tickets In the Twin Trifecta. Carryover tor Saturday $18,647.00 FIFTH 2 year olds. 330 yards. Allowance.

Purse $1,700 10 Dwnglng Hope ICgbrn) 8.40 3 40 4 00 I The Hitcher (LLayton) 3.20 3 80 4 Tough Talker (Rodriguez) 5.20 Time 17:80. Also ran 9 Youre My Jamaica, 2-Ms Kahlua And Cream, 8 Fla shem Smashem, 4 Six Back, 3 American Hobo, 5 Bet The Max. 7 Bold Set. Ouiniela (1 10) paid $940 SIXTH 4 year olds up 5' furlongs. Claiming $2,500.

Purse $1,700 3 Witchy Wench (Vallejo) 8.40 3.00 3.00 7 The Rack IBIevins) 2.60 2.20 2 Mr. C. (Cogburn 3.60 Time 1:07.2. Also ran 5-Secret Dynamite. 6Grimes Road.

8 Make Out, I Foster Mann, 4 Pernod. Exacta (3 7) paid $27 40 SEVENTH 2 year olds. 4 furlongs. Allowance. Purse $1,700 2Mstr'sPlsure(Lwry) 11.40 580 3 20 6 Little Cock) (Murphy) 12.80 5 40 SEgo Bender IMLidberg) 2 80 Time 48.1.

Also ran 3 Daring Renee, la Snow Tom, 1-Silent Whisper, 4 Bold Seaducer. Ouiniela (2-6) paid $66.00 EIGHTH 4 year olds up. 6'i furlongs. Claiming $2,500. Purse $1,700 12 BirdDiver IMLdbrg) 56 GO 18.20 8 60 I Little Woollie (Hallmark) 16.80 10 80 9- Hunler's Bag 14.00 Time 1:21.0.

Also ran 5 New Mexico Star, 3 Loving Hands. 4So Big Much, lODiego Pride, BCathcart Cruiser, II-Avandro, 7 Ye Haw, 2 Withy, 6 Burning Boy. Tntecla 112-1 91 paid $16,387.70 NINTH 3 year olds. S'-i furlongs. Allowance.

Purse $2,900 1- Silver Saint IMLidberg) 5.60 2.60 2.20 3-Smokin Elaine (Toquinto) 4.20 2.40 4 Doll's Girl (Murphy) 2.20 Time 1 07 0. Also ran 5 Jazz Tonight, 6Native Champ, 2 Five R. Blue Chip. Exacta (1-3) paid $27 80 I0TH 4 year olds up. 6 lurlongs.

Claiming $2,500. Purse $1,700 I Tricolor (Clark) 14.60 10 40 4 00 3 Illustrious Beau Rivas) 4.80 3 40 4 Razzmoses IMLidberg) 240 Time 1:130. Also ran 8 La Ville. SBrkjht Investment, 2- Armored Wing. 6Az A Star, 7 Count Singh, 9 Macho Dan UTH 4 year olds 8.

up. 1 mile. Claiming $2,500. Purse $1,700 2- lndis Scout (Rivas) 12.40 4 20 280 1 Vikings Shield IRutherford) 12.00 5 40 3 Jutoom (Lewis) 4 40 Time 1:43.1. Also ran B-Ben Baker, 6Delermined Sheep, 4- Grand Perfor mance, SLucy's Dandy, 9 Take No Prison ers, 10 Bobo's Prince, 7 Fancy Turn.

Big 0 (13 12) paid $768.80. Trifecta (21-3) paid $524 60 Attendance 1,762. Handle $178,155 STORE 1 Sports numbers Timesline (24-hour scoreboard) Times sports Toll-free calls from New Burt Wittrup, sports editor National Basketball Association All Times MST EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division Pel. GB Boston 3 .73 Philadelphia 31 11 .585 Washington S3 .558 V4 New York 16 36 .308 22'-! New Jersey 12 39 .235 26 Central Division Detroit 33 17 .660 Atlanta 19 .627 1W Milwaukee 34 21 .618 Vi Chicago 25 25 500 8 Indiana 26 27 .491 Cleveland 21 32 396 13'1 WESTERN CONFERENCE Midwest Division Dallas 33 19 .635 Utah 30 22 .577 3 Houston 27 24 529 5'i Denver 23 30 .434 Wn San Antonio 19 34 .358 1411 Sacramento 17 35 .327 16 Pacific Division A. Lakers 40 13 .755 -Portland 33 21 .61) VI Golden State 27 28 491 14 Seattle 25 28 472 15 Phoenix 22 31 .415 18 A.

Clippers 8 42 .160 304 Thursday's Games Golden State 110, New Jersey 106 New York 120. Cleveland 105 Detroit 117, Seattle 105 Boston 99, Houston 92 Portland 124, Phoenix 108 Late Game Not Included Friday's Games Philadelphia 123, Sacramento 91 Indiana 107. Atlanta 105 A Lakers 110, Chicago 100 Dalias 122. San Antonio 107 Washington 118. Utah 113 Denver at A.

Clippers, In) Today's Games New York at New Jersey, 5:30 m. Atlanta at Detroit, 5 30 Golden Slate at Dallas, 6:30 p.m. Utah at Houston. 6 30 p.m. Boston at San Antonio, 6:30 m.

Milwaukee at Phoenix, 7:30 p.m. Washington at Seattle. 6 30 m. Summaries 76ors 123, Kings 91 SACRAMENTO Johnson 19 13 3, Thorpe 7 15 6-6 20, Thompson 2 4 00 4, Pressley 1 50-0 2. Theus 1018 1 122, Smith 5 IS 2 2 12.

Tyler 4 8 O0 8, Kleine H0 I 1 13, Wilson 2 4 1 5, Rogers 1 4 0-0 2. Totals 3992 12 15 91. PHILADELPHIA Hmson 7 10 3 4 17. Barkley 7 12 4 5 18, McCormick 2 5 4-6 8, Cheeks 8 10 1 2 17, Toney 1524 2 3 32, Vranes 3 3 2 2 8, Free 5 10 2 2 12, Colter 1-6 2 2 4, Green 3 6 0-0 6, Wingate 01 12 I. Totals 51 67 21 28 123.

Sacramento 18 22 18 33- 91 Philadelphia 34 28 36 25-123 3Pomt goals Theus. Fouled out None. Rebounds Sacramento 43 (Kleine 121. Philadelphia 56 (Barkley 171. Assists Sacramento 19 (Theus 7), Philadelphia 33 (Cheeks Hi Total touts Sacramento 21, Philadelphia 16.

Technicals Smith, Barkley, Philadelphia illegal substitution. A 15.344. Pacers 107, Hawks 105 INDIANA Person 6-15 56 18, Williams 2 12 2 2 6. Stipanovich 9 11 12 12 30, Fleming 4 7 5 8 13. Long 8 20 4 4 21, Tisdaie 4 7 4 6 12.

Richardson 0 3 00 0, Anderson 01 00 0. Macy 3 5 04 7. Totals 36 81 32 38 107. ATLANTA Levinqston 8 10 1 I 17, Wilkms924l4 211, Rivers 27 3 3 7. W.rtman 6 9 00 12.

Koncak 3 6 2 4 B. Carr 11 00 2, 6 10 1 2 14, G. Williams 1-4 0-0 2 Totals 41-79 22 26 105. Indiana 26 21 28 32-107 Atlanta 25 29 28 23-105 3 Point goals Person, Long, Macy. McGee.

Fouled out Koncak. Rebounds-Indiana 50 (Stipanovich 151, Atlanta 45 (Wilkms 10). Assists-lndiana 21 (Stipanovich 41, Atlanta 32 (Rivers 111 Total fouls-Indiana 23. Atlanta 30. Technicals Indianaa illegal detense.

A 11,603. Mavs 122, Spurs 107 SAN ANTONIO Berry 512 10, Greenwood 514 5 6 15, Gilmore 14 12 3, Sundvold 1 1 17 0 0 24, Robertson 6 17 2 2 14, Krystkowiak 7 14 3 3 17, Mitchell 3-6 13 7, Jones 2 3 3 4 7, Dawkins 2 7 4 4 8, Bncnowski 1 3 O0 2. Totals a 11 19 24 107 DALLAS Aguirre 19 30 (H) 41, Perkins 6 158 9 25, Donaldson 2 24 4 8, DaviS4934 11. Blackman 4 10 2 3 10, Schrempt 5 8 2 4 13. Wennington 3 6 2 2 8.

Tarpley 2 8 2 4 6, Null 01 0-0 0 Totals 47 89 23 30 122 San Antonio 31 20 29 27-107 Dallas 32 33 25 32-122 3 Point goais-Aguirre 3, Sundvoid 2, Perkins. Schrempt Fouled out None. Rebounds San Antonio 45 (Robertson 9), Dallas 63 (Perkins 18! Assists-San Anto mo 27 iSundvold7), Dallas 31 (Aguirre 9). Total fouls-San Antonio 25. Dallas 16 Techmcais San Antonio illegal detense A 17.007 Lakers 110, Bulls 100 LA LAKERS Worthy 8 12 2 4 18, Green 36 0-0 6.

Abdul Jabbar 7 12 34 17, Scott 5 10 5 5 15, Jonnson 12 20 4 8 28, M. Thompson 7 7 4 6 18. Cooper 1 5 2 2 4. Rambis 13 2 2 4 Totals 44 7 5 22 28 1 10. CHICAGO-Banks2 3 2 26, Oakley 611 22 15, Coone 7 12 1 2 15.

Paxson 4 10009, Jordan li 27 II 12 33. Sellers 7 II 00 14. Threat 1 2 4 4 6. Poquette 0 I 0 0 0, Brown 12 00 2, Turner 0 2 00 0 Totals 39 81 20 22 :00 A. Laken 26 27 25 32-110 Chicaqo 30 18 28 24-100 3 Pomt goals -Oakley, Paxson Fouled out-None Rebounds-Lakers 44 (Abdul Jabbar 71 Chicago 37 (Gakiey II) Assists -Laers 30 (Johnson 16), Chicago 27 iPaison Total louis-Lakers 22, Chicago 25 Technicais-Chicago illegal de tense A 18.079 College Friday's Scores Late Games Not Included EAST Bridgeport 73, 5 Connecticut 64 Bndqewater Mass 57.

Fitchburg St 48 Concord 84. Davis 8, Elk ins 76 Connecticut Coll 1 10 Wentworth Tech 60 Dartmouth 83 Brown 73 Gtasstoro St 62. Rjtgers Newark 58 New Hampshire Coll 94. Guinmpiac 83 Penn 94. Columbia 73 Potsdam S' 80.

New Pallz St 65 Princeton 49 Cornell 63 Rochester Tech 88 Kings Point 83 St Michael 83, Pace 67 St Rose 74. Cortland St 68 St V.ntent 74, P.tt Johnstown 62 Salem St 107. Worcester St 68 Union. 69. Carkson 52 Washington, Md 87.

Johns Hopkins 65 Waynesburg 122. Keuka 78 Tech 91. West Liberty 81 Wm Paterson 76. Montclair SI 57 Yale 88. Harvard 76 SOUTH Maryville, Mo 60.

Millsaps 52 Mary W'ton 105. Hampden Sydney 74 Paim Beach Atlantic 100. Warner South ern 85 SI Augustine's 88 Fayetteville St 86 Southeastern 78 Clrwater Christian 64 Wash. 8, Lee 71, Maryville, Term 60 MinwFST Augustana. 73.

Morningsde 70 Bao's B'hie 9t Mid America Bible 73 Central 65. Buena Vista 61 Cleveland St 100 Valparaiso 82 Columbia Mo 99 Webster 83 Cornell. Iowa 69, Monmouth, HI 68 Fort Hays St Wayne St Neb Si Iowa Wesievan i02 St Ambrose 94 Kearney St 75 M.ssour Western 71 Knox 78. Coe 70 Lawrence 60. Chicago 56 Missouri Southern 98.

Emporia St 89 NE Illinois 114. Aurora 91 NW Iowa 124, Marvcrest 90 Pur Calumet 73. Olivet Naarene 66 St John Mirm. 79, Gustav Adolphus 72 St Norbert 73. Lake Forest 63 Sterling 104, Colorado Coll 87 Upper Iowa 69.

Wartburg 61 Washburn 90, Pittsburg St 82 Wis Eau Claire 88, Wis Planeville, 4 OT Wis Osh Kosh 88. Wis River Falls 67 Wis. Superior 94. Wis La Crosse 84. OT SOUTHWEST Austin Coll 100.

Incarnate Word 97 FAR WEST Carroll. Mont 105. Montana 94 TOURNAMENTS CUNY Conference Tournament Championship Lehman 89, Staten Island 70 SAC East Tournament Semifinals Catxmi 89. Spring Garden 81 Lincoln, Pa 85 Aiientown 73 ESAC South Tournament Semifinals Shenandoah 109 Frostburg St. 99 Wesley I6i.

Saiisoury St vo Keystone Amietic Conference 5mrfmah Misericordia 80 Penn St apt'al 72 King's College Invitational CnampwnsrHp Round Semifinals Roberts Wesleyan 87, Nyack 75 Eastern 60, King s. i 56 Consolation Round Semitinats Nazarene 71. Gordon 75 E. Menrtomie 88 Messiah 7t Southern tiivci uilleatate AtWehc Confcrmct Tournament Fnt Round UMoyne-Owen Ktt.jjt 100, OT CLEARANCE! REINFORCING MESH $2995 5'x1 50' Rolls $4995 5'x1 50' Rolls 5 8 23. Gutierrez 3 35 9, Salcedo 2 178 II.

Nunez 6 7 8 19, Ybarra 1 2, Leal 2 00 4. Totals 23 23 32 69. Lordsburg Laze 2125, Martinez 1 OA 2, (iacoby 0 34 3. Martinez 4 2 5 10. Garuara 9 4 4 22, Reyes 6 02 12, Alvarez 2 02 4, Ruiz 0 12 1.

Totals 24 11 21 59. Total fouls: Tularosa 17, Lordsburg 21. Fouled out: Romero. Technical fouls: Lordsburg coach (2). MIL National Hockey League All Times MST WALES CONFERENCE Patrick Division Pis GF GA Philadelphia 36 18 5 77 239 175 NY Islanders 25 25 8 58 193 194 NY Rangers 25 26 8 58 234 230 Washington 23 28 8 54 1 92 2 20 Pittsburgh 21 27 10 52 210 209 New Jersey 22 30 5 49 200 257 Adams Division Hartford 31 22 6 68 201 193 Montreal 29 24 8 66 203 188 Boston 28 26 5 61 220 201 Quebec 23 29 8 54 194 195 Buffalo 2 31 6 48 202 218 CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Norns Division Detroit 26 25 8 60 194 203 Minnesota 25 26 7 57 223 216 Toronto 23 30 6 52 205 227 Chicago 22 29 8 52 215 238 St.

Louis 21 27 10 52 195 218 Smythe Division Edmonton 38 16 5 81 279 202 Winnipeg 32 22 6 70 213 203 Calgary 33 24 2 68 229 215 Los Angeles 24 27 7 55 236 235 Vancouver 18 34 8 44 197 237 Thursday's Games Pittsburgh 4 Philadelphia 4, tie Chicago 5. Rangers 2 Si. Louis 6, Minnesota 2 Late Games Not Included Friday's Games Buffalo 6, Rangers 3 Detroit 6, Quebec 3 Winnipeg 6 Boston 2 Toronto at Calgary, (n) Washington at Vancouver, (n) Today's Games Montreal at Islanders, 5 05 Chicago at Harttord. 5 35 New Jersey at Pittsourgh, 5 35 m. Boston at Minnesota, 6 35 Quebec at St Louis, 6:35 Philadelphia at Los Angeles, 8: 35 soccer MISL Maior Indoor Soccer League All Times MST Eastern Division Pet.

GB Cleveland 20 8 714 Baltimore 19 9 .679 1 Dallas 19 II .633 2 Minnesota 17 II .607 3 Chicago 15 14 .517 i New York 3 23 .115 Western Division Tacoma 18 8 .692 San Diego 16 13 .552 VI Wichita 15 13 .536 4 Kansas City 12 17 .414 7'1 St Louis 9 21 .300 11 Los Angeles 6 21 222 12'7 ceased operations Feb 17. Thursday's Games No games scheduled Friday's Games Baltimore 6. ian Lnego 5 Minnesota 8. Kansas City 4 Dallas 3. St.

Louis 2, 2 OT Wichita 5, Chicago 4, OT Today's Games San Diego at Cleveland, 6:05 m. Wichita at Chicago. 6 35 St Louis at Kansas City. 7 05 m. Minnesota at Tacoma, 8 35 m.

LPGA Tsumura Hawaiian Open HONOLULU (API Second round scores Friday in the $300,000 LPGA Tsumura Hawaiian Ladies Open played on the 6.220 yard, par 72 Turtle Bay Hilton course: Alice Ritzman 68 71-139 JaneGeddes 7148-139 Dawn Coe 69 71-140 Cindy Rarick 69 71-140 Penny Hammel 72 68140 Holhs Stacy 7071-141 Amy Alcott 71 71-142 Martha Nause 72-70-142 Chris Johnson 68 74-142 Heather Farr 70 72-142 Pat Bradley 71 71-142 Kathy Postlewait 7568-143 Missie Berteotn 72 71-143 Lauri Peterson 71-72-143 Tammie Green 72 71 143 Cathy Marino 73 70 143 Mit2i Edge 72 71143 Shyun Huang 73 70-143 Vat Skinner 71 73-144 Janet Coles 75 9144 Marci Boiartti 72 72-144 Rebecca Ward 71 73144 Snerri Stemhauer 73 71-144 Bart Bunkowsky 71 73-144 Margaret Ward 71 73-144 tori Ga'baci 74 71-145 Lauren Howe 7570-145 Jo Aim Washam 73 7J-I45 Patty Sheenan 73 71145 AtatoOamoto 72 71145 hockey golf 3 M85 ea. 4 $225 ea. ft 5 $285 ea. All are 20' lengths! Abraham, Myers, P. Borunda, Owen, Ron Hinkle.

Mike Myers, Ruben Jones; Julian Pedregon, Richard Pe dregon. Fourth llight T. Witt, R. Jones; Richard Parrish, R. Rocha; R.

Wal-feldt, Mike Garcia; Jim Forrester, W. Inns; Carlos Aguilar, Gene Men dez. Ascarate and Dos Lagos Home and Home Series at Ascarate First flight Low gross: Joyce Parker, 89, Low net: Lila Carrizal 70. Crybaby: Nancy Rodriguez; Second flight Low gross; Nancy Gunter 105; Low net: Elfriede Dunwoody 79. Crybaby: Betty Hamlett; Third flight -Low gross: Lilly Dominguez 102, Low net: Lil jungle 77 Crybaby: Gail Carter; Fourth flight Low gross: Jean Rad cliffe 111; Low net: Carol lauderboche 80; Crybaby: Helen Voorhees Pro-Am Scramble at El Paso Country Club Pro I.

Dan Koesters 70 for S195; 2. Jim Dickson 72 tor JI65; 3. (tie) Rusty Schwartz; Mark Pelletier and Richard Garcia, 73 tor SIM, 6. Die) Russ Moore and Steve Mack, 74 for S70; 8 (tie) Bill Eschenbrenner and Barry Ellis, 76 lor 135. 10.

(lie) Mike Olson and Don Zamora. 77 lor J20 Pro-Am 1. Bill Eschenbrenner, Herb Phifer, Tom McSpadden, Tom Foster and Bob Child, 57 tor $990 for team; 2. (tie) Tom Tracy, Glenn Godfrey, Ranee Mulliniks, Ernie Alvarez and Mark Ross; Jim Smith, Lefty Burke, Mark Glenn, Jack Hill and Lonnie Hoeye; Mark Pelletier, Santiago Batres, Ron Senac, Kurt Desiderio and Tom Cardenas, 59 for $470 per team, 5. (tie) 60; Steve Mack.

Dickie James, Bruce Duncan, Bob Douglas, Mack Massey: Mike Olson. Bill Norville, Gene Mizdal, Ron Gillett, Jack Nunn; Rusty Schwartz, Bill Schwartz, Jim McRimmon, Stuart Kahn, OC. Wil Hams, 60 for $350 per team. siding Colorado Ski Report 0 AP Colorado Sk i Coun-try USA reports the following conditions at major Colorado ski areas Friday, Feb 20. Arapahoe Basin 1 new.

47 depth, powder, packed powder; Aspen Highlands 0 new. 47 depth, powder, packed powder; Aspen NSountain 0 new, 57 depth, packed powder, hard packed; Buttermilk 0 new, 34 depth, packed powder, hard packed; Beaver Creek 0 new, 37 depth, nowier oarverJoowder- Betihoud Pass 4 new, 46 depth, powder; Breck enridge Vi new. 45 dpth. powder, packed powder; Ski Broadmoor 16 new, snowmaking. powder, packed powder; Conquistador 8 new, 59 depth, powder, packed powder Ski Cooper 2 nw.

51 depth, powder, packed powder; Copper Mountain 1 new. 41 depth, packed powder; Crested Butte 0 new. 48 depth, packed powder; Cuchara Valley 4 new, 60 depth, powder, packed powder; Ski Esles Park 16 new. 53 depth, powder; Keystone North Peak new. 48 depth, packed powder; Lovetand 2 new.

53 depth, powder, packed powder; Monarch 5 new, 75 depth, powder, packed powder; Powderhorn 1 new, 59 depth, powder, packed powder Purgatory 2 new, 75 depth, powder, packed powder; Silver Greek 0 new, 28 depth, packed powder; Snow mass new, 44 depth, packed powder, hard packed; Steamboat 0 new, 45 depth, packed powder; Sunlight 0 new, 45 depth, packed powder; Tellunde new, 71 depth, powder, packed powder; Vail (I new, 40 depth, powder, packed powder; Winter Park Hi new, 40 depth, packed powder; Mary Jane I new, 54 depth, packed powder; Woll Creek I new, 103 depth, powder, packed powder. Snow depth in inches refers to un packed natural snow at midpoint Snow making means artificial snowmaking equipment in use. New snow refers to snow within fast 24 hours. means trace. Open means percentage ot terrain open.

Snow depth in inches refers to unpacked natural snow at midpoint. Figures are supplied to Colorado Ski Country USA, a ski industry organization, by individual areas. For updates. Call 1303) 831-7669. Conditions reflect an average depth of both natural and man made snow and have not been sanctioned by Colorado Ski Country USA.

Nordic Championships OBERSTDORF, West Germany 1AP) Results ot the women's 20 kilometer cross-country race and the men's 70- FENCE COMPANY 6907 COMMERCE CSEETE 779-3666 Missie McGeorge Cindy Hill Juii Inkster Nancy Lope; Becky Pearson Sally Quintan Cindy Figg Currier Sherrin Smyers Cathy Gernng Debbie Massey Dale Egqeling Dianne Da. ley SueErtl Terry Jo Myers Laurie inker Amy Bern Barb Thomas Kim Bauer Myra Blackwelder Shirley Furlong Mary Murphy Muffin Spencer Devlin Deb Richard Silvia Bertolaccini Sherri Turner 70 75-145 73 73-146 74 72-146 72 74-146 72 74-146 73-73-146 75 71-146 74 72-146 73 73-146 75 71-146 78 69-147 73 74-147 77 70-147 74 73-147 76 71-147 75 72-147 77 70-147 73 74-147 71 76-147 76 71-147 70 77-147 77 70-147 75 72-147 73 74-147 75 72-147 Sandra Palmer Anne Mane Palli Judy Dickinson Kris Monaghan Charlotte Montgomery Denise Strebig Martha Foyer Sara Anne Ttmms JoAnne Carrier Jan Stephenson Colleen Walker Jill Br iles Shelley Hamlin Bonnie Lauer Patti Rizzo Beth Daniel Failed To Quality Connie Chillemt Rosie Jones Lynn Stroney Mmdy Moore Cathy Morse Rebecca Bradley Yuen Chyn Huang Jody Rosenthal Susan Smith Adele Lukken Vicki Fergon Kathy Baker Therese Hession Kim Shipman Robin Walton Lisa Young Elaine Crosby Li-Ying Chen Tatsuko Ohsako Cathy Johnston Tammy Fredrickson Deedee Roberts 73 74-147 73 74-147 i 76 71-147 I 75 72-147 I 76 71-147 74 73-147 72 75-147 I 72 76-148 I 75 73-148 I 75 73-148 71 77-148 I 73 75-148 74 74-148 i 76 72-148 74 74-148 75 73148 76 73-149 72 77-149 75 74-149 77 72-149 77 72-149 77 72-149 73 76-149 74 75-149 74 75-149 76 73-149 77 72-149 78 71-149 74 76-150 77 73-150 74 76-150 74 76-150 74- 76150 75 75-150 76 74-150 77 73-150 73 77-150 75- 75-150 PGA I Los Angeles Open LOS ANGELES (AP) Second round scores Friday at the 5600.000 Los Angeles Open Tournament, played on the oar 71. 7 079 vard Riviera Country Club Course la denotes amateur) Bill Sander 70 66-136 Danny Edwards 73 64-137 Rick Fehr 68 69-137 Chen 70 67-137 Craig Sladler 72 66-138 Bobby Wadkins 66 72-138 LannyWadkins 73 65-138 Scott Hoch 69 69-138 Dufty Waldorf 68 71-139 Seve Ballesteros. 69 70-139 DougTewell 7168-139 Larry Rmker 67 72-139 Nick Price 72 67-139 Don Pooley 70 69-139 Sam Randolph 73 66139 Bobby Cole 69 71-140 Dick Mast 71 69-140 Bruce Lietike 70 70140 Phil Blackmar 71 69-140 Ben Crenshaw 7169-140 Brad Fabel 70 70 140 Tom Purtier 70 70-140 Scott Simpson 7071-141 Jay Delsing 72 69141 Calvin Peete 7091-141 Sieve Pate 71 71-142 Jack Renner 69 73-142 Mark Brooks 71 71-142 Rick Dalpos 7072-142 Keith Clearwater 69 73-142 Curt Byrum 72 70142 Ray Barr 68 74-142 Chip Beck 70 72-142 Fred Couples 73 69-142 Roger Maltbie 74 68-142 KikuoArai 7171-142 Mike Donald 70 72-142 KuramotoMasahiro 7171142 Mark McCumber 70 72-142 Mike Reid 74 68-142 Donme Hammond 70 72142 Peter Jacobsen 69 74-143 Buddy Gardner 73 70-143 John Cook 70 73-143 Don Shirey 71 72-143 Ronnie Black 71 '7-143 Philip Parkin 72 71-143 DanPohl 73 70-143 Joey Sindelar 69 74-143 Dave Stockton 69 74-143 Ken Brown 72 71-143 Pat 7172-143 MacO'Grady 70 74-144 Mark Meara 73 71-144 Bruce Soulsby 7173-144 Jim Carter 7173-144 Jeff Sluman 70 74 144 Jumbo Ozaki 69 75-144 David Peoples 68 76-144 Loren Roberts 72 72-144 Ray Stewart 70 74-144 Jim Gallagher 70 75-145 Tom Sieckmann 72 73 145 Gary Hallberg 74 71-145 Tim Simpson 72 73 145 Steve Elkington 74-71-145 Davis Love 76 69-145 Jodie Mudd 78 67-145 Mike Bender 70 75-145 Mark Pteil 73 72-145 Jerry Pate 68 77-145 Dave Eichelberger 72 73-145 Morris Halalsky 73 72-145 Philip Jonas 75 7014S Bob Tway 75-70-145 Hal Sutton 72 73-145 Fred Wadsworth 75 70-145 Failed To Qualify Corey Pavin 69 77-146 Jay Don Blake 75-71-146 Hale Irwin 74 72-146 Andrew Magee 75-71-146 EdFiori 74 72-146 Jim Simons 71 75 146 David Edwards 70 76-146 Tony Grimes 73 73-146 Antonio Cerda 72 75-147 Dennis Trixler 75 72-147 Brett Upper 75 72-147 Jim Wilson 7176-147 Willie Wood 76 71-147 David Canipe 74 73-147 TateoOiaki 76 71-147 Brad Faxon 75 72-147 Clarence Rose 74 73 147 Jim Neltord 74 73-147 Gene Sauers 76 71-147 LeeTrevino 7177-148 Bob Gilder 71-77-148 Ted Schulz 75 73-148 Jeff Lewis 67 81-148 Jerry Wis; 72 76-148 Mark Wiebe 72 -76148 Harry Taylor 71 77-148 Brad Greer 75 74-149 Lenme Clements 72 77-149 Doug Johnson 75 74 149 Trevor Dodds 76 73-149 John Horne 72 77-149 Tony Sills 72 77-149 Mark Hayes 76 74150 Bill Kratiert 74 76-150 Blaine McCallister 75 75-150 Tim Norrls 76 74-150 Ron Streck 74 76-150 Kenny Knox 76 74-150 Barry Jaeckel 75-75 ISO Vance Healner 73 77-150 Chris Perry 74 76-150 Tom Garner 73-77-150 Howard Twitty 77-73 ISO Johnny Miller 78 73-151 Ted Lehmann 74 77-151 John Inman 76 75-151 Larry Nelson 76 75-151 Scott Verplank 75 76-151 Rocco Mediate 74 77-151 AIGeiberoer 73 78-151 David t-rost 77 4161 Arthur Perry 77 75-152 CnrisMuiiane 75 77-152 Steve Jones 74 78-152 Ernie Gonzalez 76 76152 Johnny Allen 73-79-152 Bobby Clampett 77 75-152 Craig Disiere 77 76-153 Tom Byrum 77 74-1 S3 Bob Lohr 79 7 5-154 Jim Thorpe 75 80-155 a Brandt Jobe 79 76-155 Charles Boiling 76 80 156 Steve Seals 77 79-156 Craig Slarkjohann 78 79157 Frank Apodaca 79 -79-158 John Adams 76-DQ Local Cielo Vista Men Member-Guest Two-man Best Ball Today's pairings Shotgun start 1:15 a.m. First High) Art Naiera.

Carlos Naiera, Sal Gomel, Bob Baker; Bobby Hernandez. Marty Buck, Joe Buck. Robert Madewell; Larry Godfrey, Sam Burns, Bill Parsons. Santiago Batresi R. White.

Dick Cole, Zeke Pridgeon, Sandy Pridgeon; Pat Allen, Angel Lluardo, Tury Duran, Jim Philpot; McDonald. Glen Godfrey, David West, Brad Potter Second llight Skip Butkiewitz, Kim Smart, M. Broaduss, Mitchell Jones; Art Escobar, Steve Isler, Bob Pitts. Don McLure; Eric Zaift, Walt Frakes, Don Donsworth, J. Scott; Ray Guerrero, Joe Ontiveros, Roy Hickman, Steve Mettler; Ernie Alvarez, Bob Garcia, Ralph Freudiger, Mike Navarro; Doug Conway, Randy Huffman, Ron Peden, Ron Peden; Art Nelson, Tom Webb.

Milt McCoy, W. Kelly; Jack Waldo, Robert Perez. Tom Eagen. Pete Baker; Harvey Dewan, San Sabel, A Duckwitz. Thorpe; Louie Olivas, Juan Alvi drei.

Myers, P. Borunda Third flight John Haddad. Raphael Maciel, Neville Wheatcrott, R. Berry; Danny Barragan, John Vess. J.

Ter ratal, Ra Chavez; Jerry Dorr, Ned -4 sports deals Friday's Transactions BASEBALL American League MILWAUKEE BREWERS Signed Rob Deer, outfielder, Tim Pyznarski and Billy Jo RobidoTJx, infielders, and Al Jones, pitcher, to one year con tracts NEW YORK YANKEES Signed Al Letter and Bill Fulton, pitchers, to one year contracts. Signed Mike Arm strong, pitcher, to a minor league con tract TEXAS RANGERS Signed Bob Brower, outfielder, and Billy Taylor, pitcher, to one year contracts. National League MONTREAL EXPOS Acquired Mike Shade, pitcher, from the Minnesota Twins for Al Newman, infieloer; assigned Shade to Indianapolis of the American Association. FOOTBALL National Football League HOUSTON OILERS Named Bob Young offensive line coach. GENERAL U.S.

VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION Named Bill Neville technical director. HOCKEY National Hockey League NEW YORK ISLANDERS Re called Randy Boyd, delenseman, and Dale Henry, left wing, Irom Springfield ot the American Hockey League. SOCCER Major Indoor Soccer League LOS ANGELES LAZERS Traded Poll Garcia, forward, and Jim Kavan augh, defender, to the St. Louis Steamers tor Steve Pecher, defender, and Don Ebert, forward. COLLEGE CHADRON STATE Named Brad Smith head football coach.

CREIGHTON Signed Tony Barone. men's basketball coach, to a three year contract. MONMOUTH, N.J. Suspended Re mond Palmer, basketball guard, lor the rest of the season because of disciplin ary problems. bowling Bowlers Journal Open VENICE.

Fla. (AP) Results of Friday's sixth round of $140,000 Bowlers Journal Open (With match play records. 42 game totals and money won. Top 5 advance to television finals) Hugh Miller, Mercer Island. 13 II, 9,613 2.

Jim Murtishaw, El Caion, 16 8. 9.267 3, Chuck Pierce, Dallas, 17 6 9,231. 4, Steve Martin, Kingsport. Tenn 15 9, 9.188. 5, Teata Semiz, Paterson.

N.J 13 II, 9,186. 6, Bob Chamberlain, Auburn Heights. Mich 14 10, 9,150, $4,000. 7, Andrew Neuer, East Longmeadow, 11-13, 9,144. $3,600 I.

Ron Bell, Akron, Ohio, 12 12. 9,074, $3,300 9. Sam Maccarone, Glassboro, N.J., 10 14, 9,071. $3,000 10. Palmer Fallgren, Sacramento, 13 II, 9,046, $2,800.

II, John Mazza, Mt. Clemens. 11 13. 9.051, $2,600 12, Rod Pasteur. Miami, 12 12, 9,022, $2,500.

13, Walter Ray Williams Stockton. 9 15, 9.021, $.400. 14, Dale Eagle, Lake Havasu. 14 10. 9,007, $2,300 15, Mark Roth.

Spring Lake Heights. NJ 12 12, 8,997, $2,200. 14. Nelson Burton Troy. Mo, 1014, 8,977, $2,100.

17, Ernie Schlecjel. Vancouver. USA, 12 12. 1. 970.

$2,000 18. Joe Berardi, Brooklyn. 11-121, 8,962. $1,900 19, Leroy Bornhop, St Charles. Moll 13.

8.954. $1,800 20, Harry Sullins, Greater Detroit, 10 14, 1,940. $1,700 21. Pete Weber. St Louis, 12 12.

8 907. $1600 22, Dave Ferraro. King ston, 11 12 1.788, $1,540 23. Butch Soper. Los Angeles, II 13, 1.699, $1,485.

24, Sam Zurich, Hernando Beach. Fla 4-171, 1.541 $1,435. Local 55 Plus Mixed Tournament Results of Feb 14-IS at Freeway Lanes Teams: I. Rose's Cantina. 1,557 pint Free Tan Preparation SI SE HABLA IESPAN0L WedkJn't get to be II i for more.

772 AMERICAN If got have car Ford, new Instant Refunds for Your Down Payment you need a new car and you think youVe a tax refund coming, you're in luck. We'll yourtaxes prepared at Block at our expense and you can use your refund immediately towards the purchase of any new or truck at Team Casa. And the timing for this offer is perfect. Because now you can buy just about any new Nissan or Isuzu with tremendous factory incentives. Like factory financing from just 3.9 andor rebates up to $800." In addition to the volume savings you always get from El Paso's largest car dealer.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.